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  2. Payroll
  3. Start Work Admin/Department Head

How To: Set Employee Default Account Coding

With GreenSlate's digital start work, you may set default employee account codes when prefilling start forms, or after a start form has been fully approved.

Set default account coding when submitting an offer

Update default account coding of a current employee


Set default account coding when submitting an offer:

Follow the instructions on How to: make an offer at the time of the invite.

When you reach Step 8, enter account codes for the employee's payroll expenses.  NOTE: These codes will default on digital timecards and payroll transactions, when payroll is posted. The Labor Code is required.


Update default account coding of a current employee:

Step 1: Under Payroll, click on DIGITAL START WORK.

Step 2: Click on the employee's name whose default account coding you wish to update:

Step 3: Under Start Form, choose the employee's position you wish to update default account coding for:

Step 4: Under Account Codes, update the desired codes, then click SAVE CODES: