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How to: Use Daily Times

View the daily times for each employee, including hours worked, overtime breakdown, penalties and coding. With the Daily Times timecards grid, quickly search, filter, and export reports.

How to: Use Daily Times

How to: Export Daily Times

How to: Bulk Edit Timecard Day Accounting Codes

How to: Use Daily Times 

Step 1: Under Payroll, click TIMECARDS.

Step 2: Click DAILY TIMES.

Note: Use our default views, or create your own filters and groups. Filter days based on a date, a department, an employee, a call time, an episode code, and more.  Learn more about custom grid views. 

Tip: use the search bars to find the particular day, week ending date, employee, or department.


How to: Export Daily Times: Click EXPORT. You may choose a PDF, which will only show the current page, or an Excel file, which will show data of all pages. Using our Excel export feature, you can create a report that can be used to populate your own Production Report or Hot Cost.

Note: Selected groups and filters will be applied to reports.


How to: Bulk Edit Timecard Day Accounting Codes

Step 1: Under Payroll, click TIMECARDS.

Step 2: Click DAILY TIMES.

Step 3: Click EDIT.

Step 4: Select the timecard days you wish to update coding for.

Note: additional accounting codes that may be edited show a dropdown menu with white arrows outlined in blue. Use our filters to isolate days by weekending date, division, day type, and more!


Step 5: Update the desired codes in the header row then click the arrows to apply the change. Then click SUBMIT.