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How to: Netflix Child Care Reimbursement

Instructions on how Netflix employees can add the Child Care Reimbursement to their timecards.

Step 1: Click the "+" next to TIMECARDS, under Payroll on the left navigation menu.


Step 2: Choose your week ending date, your position, and click CREATE. NOTE: Your Primary Position is the position you are filling out the timecard for.  Don't see your position? Continue filling out the timecard and add a Note on the next page in the Notes section.

Step 3: Click ADD ITEM in the Other Earnings section beneath the timecard hours grid.

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Step 4: Select 20/20 Child Care/Edu Reimbursement from the Type drop down menu.

2020-08-12 12_06_50-https___master.gslate.com_#_timecard2_hours_178076_256_2020-8- - __Remote

Step 5: Enter the Amount, Unit (it will default to "Flat"), Rate, and Description. 

Step 6: Attach your receipts by clicking UPLOAD in the Files section or drag and drop a file.


Step 7: Complete all other fields on your timecard and click SUBMIT.